Thursday, November 4, 2010

Baby Steps

(R. Kelly voice) "See now usually I don't do this but ahhh....." I'm bloggin' yall! lol
Im not really the talktaive type, Im more of the Walk the Walk instead of Talk the Talk type. I have a Myspace page which I tried to kill A LONG time ago but just wouldnt go away for some reason, a Facebook account that I utilize from time-to-time, and a Twitter account ( @African_Kween24 )that I was forced into creating and am just now getting used to. My logic behind social networking was that nobody would care about my thoughts or about what I had to say BUT that's basicaly what these social networks are all about so if you dont care you can always DELETE/REMOVE/DEFRIEND/UNFOLLOW ME at your earliest convenience. But if you do indeed decide to stick around it's going to take some time for me to get used to so bare with me as I proceed to giving you what you need with these BABY STEPS............